Who Are We?

Radha Yoga LA flows to the rhythmic beat of authentic expression, holistic liberation & Universal connection within joyful community.

Our woman of color owned & teacher-run organization provides a place where teachers have the freedom to teach in the styles that best expresses their individuality and share their unique perspective.

As an inclusive studio, it is paramount that diverse & under-represented populations know that Radha Yoga LA is a safe community to enjoy daily yoga practice, as well as, teach, work, and share offerings.

Our Mission

Radha Yoga LA’s focus is to amplify & empower through the transformative practice of yoga as a tool for living in true freedom from mental stress, physical pain, and spiritual disturbances.

We are all a work in progress. We leave the energy of competition at the door. We believe that when we feel full of joy, peace and connection in our lives, the more we heal.

Radha Yoga LA provides access to an inspiring practice in a safe nurturing space that encourages yogic education & energetic liberation through the strengthening of mind, body, and soul. 

Our Why

Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide. The National Alliance on Mental Health reports people with depression have a 40% higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases than the general population - these numbers are higher in communities of color.

32 studies reviewed and analyzed by the British Journal of Sports Medicine demonstrated that people who regularly engaged in yoga were likely to have fewer depressive symptoms than those who used other types of interventions. The regular practice of meditation has also been shown to reduce activity in the limbic system which regulates emotional response.

Radha Yoga LA is committed to creating positive change in the mental wellness of our community by encouraging all bodies to come together, deepen in self-awareness, heal through movement and authentically connect both on the mat and off.

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